Sukkerbiten Art Arena

Sukkerbiten Art Arena is a sketch project comissioned by Kreativt Naboskap and part of a wider study on how to make possible the presence of independent culture and art production within the urban centers of growing cities like Oslo.

MIR 2 cropped 2
170210 UTSTILLING uten hvit ramme
170210 FRA OPERA
Sukkerbiten Art Arena Oslo 13
Sukkerbiten Art Arena Oslo 3
Sukkerbiten Art Arena Oslo 12
Sukkerbiten Art Arena Oslo 5
Sukkerbiten Art Arena Oslo 10
Sukkerbiten Art Arena Oslo 11
Sukkerbiten Art Arena Oslo 2
Sukkerbiten Art Arena Oslo 4



Fotogalleriet, Forbundet Frie Fotografer, 0047, UKS




Feasability study and sketch projects


Espen Røyseland, Øystein Rø, Frederikke Frølich, Margrete Bjone Engelien, Håvard Skarstein, Are Hagen, Erik Mikal Ulland Stokke



Transborder Studio was commissioned by Kreativt Naboskap, a collective effort by art institutions Young Artists’ Society (UKS), Fotogalleriet (FG), Norwegian Association for Fine Art Photographers (FFF) and gallery 0047 to do a feasibility study and a sketch project for a co-location in Oslo. The purpose of the work was to clarify the cultural actors’ vision of a possible interdisciplinary, common arena in Oslo with a national and international impact. The sketch project illustrated how the project could constitute an open, flexible and accessible cultural arena that can complement the established cultural structure in the area and strengthen the cultural diversity in central Oslo. The facility will open up to its surroundings and give the public a new way of meeting and experiencing art. The traditional distinctions between art production and art institutions are erased. The workshops and showrooms of the studios are equated with the art galleries. Material workshops and large-scale testing of art installations are located on the ground floor and become part of the total experience of the arena. Windows into the studios give insight into the actual art production and emphasize the experience of art as a dynamic project; unfinished, experimental and in motion.

The project and corresponding studies was published in the book «Mulighetsrom- Kunsten og kunstnernes plass i byen», 2017, Available at Tronsmo: